Did you know that kindness can impact wellness? It’s true! Here’s a great video that explains it – The Science of Kindness. From now until the next team meeting, we’re encouraging a wellness activity that focuses on random acts of kindness for other Evergreeners in all ways shapes and forms. We really hope you all get involved and have fun with it. And as a way to all be engaged and inspired by each other
Here’s the plan… An Uplift Evergreen zoom channel is active and you’re all invited. How will we be using this space? Well, it will be similar to how we do shout outs during team meetings. If someone does something kind for you, something that makes your day, share it in the chat! If it’s something you can share a picture of, that’s great too. Your kind acts can literally be anything that will brighten someone’s day. Get creative with it! And the beauty of sharing it in this zoom channel is that just seeing how our evergreen community is being kind to eachother might lift you up or even inspire you with an idea.