Lauren Morlino, who lives in Colchester, VT, a community with households spanning the socio-economic spectrum, recently started lending her expertise to the Colchester Conservation Commission and utilizing the hours allotted to her via Evergreen’s volunteer policy to...
Earth Month (April) has come to an end, but sustainability and the planet are likely still top of mind for many of you. Let’s keep that going! This month Troy is sharing his list of top flicks that influenced his journey to environmental sustainability. Check them out...
While B Corp focuses on “business as a force for good”, many of us do things as a force for good that fall outside of our business. For example, Troy is sharing a story about his family’s tradition of supporting local organizations when they...
In support of our goal to increase general B Corp awareness, this month we are sharing some of the committee’s favorites with you. We had a few requests in our team meeting poll for features of other B Corps, so we’re sharing some of our favorites with you. ...
We all need to take time out to look after ourselves – mind, body and soul. Fellow B-Corp, Happiful, exists to help people do just that, and they’re advocates of talking and seeking help for mental health challenges. Not only do they have a monthly...
There are 3,500 B Corps worldwide, and the number continues to grow every year. Each one is making a unique impact in our world. With varying mission statements, businesses are aligning their B Corp focus to support their core company values while using business as a...
Did you know you can support B Corps as an everyday consumer? While you’re aware that Evergreen Consulting Group is certified, you might be surprised to know that some of your favorite companies are also sporting the (B)! Today we’re excited to showcase a few to...