While COVID-19 and vaccine discussions have been ever prevalent lately, we wanted to take a moment to pause from that and offer up a reminder that it’s important to protect yourself against other viruses as well. As we head into winter, be sure to steer clear of COVID’s nasty older sister, the Common Flu. She’s been around the block, but you can put up your dukes by grabbing yourself a flu shot early on to protect yourself from her wrath! We’re wishing you all a healthy and happy winter!

That aside, let’s end this update on the lighter side. We have a reminder about some other fun things for those who participate in the Regence medical plan. Regence has a wide variety of health and wellness offers and discounts for their members. Included are options for fitness, alternative medicine, weight management, and more! Super cool, right?
Log in to your account today to check out what’s available to you.


The ECG Wellness Team (Alex, Phoebe & Michelle)